Rhinoplasty surgery, more commonly referred to as a nose job, always features near the top of lists of the most popularly performed cosmetic surgery procedures carried out in the UK, or anywhere in the world for that matter.
Cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery
Many people dislike their noses, be it because they feel it is too large, or there is an unsightly bump on the bridge or even a bulbous tip. Nose shape influences facial structure in such a key way that a nose has the ability to instantly define a face. It is for this reason that rhinoplasty continues to be so popular, and why it was probably the first cosmetic procedure ever performed; there is evidence of it being carried out as long as 2,500 years ago to repair noses that were damaged during battle. Books documenting this practice led to rhinoplasty being introduced as a cosmetic surgery option here in the UK in the 18th century.
What takes place during a rhinoplasty?
During nose reshaping surgery (as it is also known), depending on your desired result, your surgeon will either remove cartilage and bone from your nose to make it smaller or add it in in the rare case that they are making a nose larger. They may also break the nose bone in order to reshape the nose entirely, and they may also work on your septum (the thin ‘wall’ separating your two nostrils) in order to alleviate breathing difficulties. Your surgeon will either perform an ‘open’ or ‘closed’, ‘traditional’ or ‘preservation’ rhinoplasty, having considered the best option for you. In the former – an open rhinoplasty – an incision will be made between the nostrils, which will leave a discreet scar that should fade over time. A closed rhinoplasty will leave no visible scars as all the incisions are made inside the nostrils. Nose jobs are always performed under general anaesthetic and can take up to three hours to complete.
Recovery after surgery
Following your operation, most patients go home on the same day, but some choose to stay in the hospital for one night, and you’ll then need around two weeks off from work. Any pain should be minor, but most people experience bruising and swelling and your nose may feel tender for a few weeks. Around this time most activities can be resumed, although it may actually take as long as six months for the last of the swelling to completely disappear. So you can expect to see immediate results from around one week after the operation (when the splint is usually removed), but the full results may only become visible later.
General anaesthetic – from £6,500
This treatment is offered by our surgical cosmetic clinic, Bristol Plastic Surgery. You can read more about rhinoplasty surgery on their website.